The Hero’s Journey – the Holy Grail of digital storytelling › Xpert Digital



Are you looking for new treasures to delight your customers in modern storytelling with the right message to lure people onto your own trail? Then take a look at the Hero’s Journey as a narrative pattern (Hero’s Journey)which has already been followed by many stories, myths and legends. Whether it’s The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter or Star Wars – the focus of every journey is always the heroes who demonstrate their willingness to sacrifice themselves when problems arise in a difficult situation.

We will show you what the Hero’s journey in storytelling is, the twelve rules it follows and why it is so important for marketing. Find out also how you can Roles of your characters in your own story to convince your customers with exciting stories.

With the term hero’s journey we include heroes of every gender identity.

What is a hero’s journey?

A hero’s journey is a narrative structurewhich is used for stories and myths and describes the journey of a hero or heroine through different phases These phases deal with the entry into a foreign world to the return to society. The basic dramaturgical pattern includes certain phases that range from selection to training, preparation, travel, trials and adventures, rescue and the return to the familiar world.

In abstract terms, it is a universal conceptthat is found in all cultures around the world and reflects the human experience of growth and change. Therefore, the Hero’s Journey is a “monomyth”, a term coined by the writer James Joyce that describes the archetypal narrative structure of all myths describes.

“The cage you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
(Joseph Campbell)

Joseph Campbell is considered the founder of the hero’s journey, who introduced it into mythology in his work The hero in a thousand forms The result: Every myth tells the same story in a modified form. The heroic main character is in a development process in which he or she goes through several transformations due to an unpleasant situation and a conflict and takes on the form of various archetypes. The focus is particularly on the archetype of the hero or heroine. For him or her, it is important to Courage, willpower and willingness to help to prove.

Why does the hero’s journey work in marketing?

In marketing, the hero’s journey is an important storytelling element because it is based on basic human needs and desires. The mythological basic pattern speaks to man’s longing for Adventure, growth, self-discovery and heroism It also conveys a feeling of security and familiarity, which is accompanied by a mythical and fairytale character.

This allows the audience to easily empathise with the story and better absorb its message. Complex ideas and thoughts can be presented in an understandable and emotional level presented in an entertaining way, while the customers also feel supported and inspired on their buyer’s journey and customer journey. The hero’s journey reflects deep-rooted human needs which look like this:

  1. Security: Security means protection from pain and suffering in order to live sustainably.
  2. Variety: A monotonous life leads to boredom and desolation. The desire for challenges and solving problems arises.
  3. Love: A strong feeling of unity with other people or a bond with individuals is important for humans as social beings.
  4. significance: When you look back on your life, it should have served a purpose and meaning, so that everyone feels needed, valued and recognized. It’s about the feeling of being special and standing out from the crowd.
  5. growth: People want to broaden their horizons because they want to achieve great things in their small world. Whether material or personal growth – it is often about fulfilling dreams and desires.
  6. Performance: People want to help others in order to help themselves. Their contribution remains as a legacy on which others build their foundation.

12 steps to the Holy Grail of storytelling

Whether in literature, cinema or even in video games (as a quest) – hero journeys are an integral part of both classical and modern storytelling. One of the best-known examples from film history is the Star Wars series, for which director George Lucas was inspired by the archetypal narrative structure of the Hero’s Journey Since then, this narrative principle has been on everyone’s lips on the Internet, in social networks, etc.

Today, many screenwriters are not only guided by Campbell’s original model, but also by the Writers Journey, which Christoph Vogler modified using Campbell’s theories. If you follow his twelve stages follow, discover step by step the path to the Holy Grail of storytelling.

Perfect world

The hero or heroine initially finds himself or herself in his or her familiar and safe world. This means that the environment secure and everyday routine determines the lives of the heroes. Therefore, this world feels inadequate because it lacks variety. For example, Frodo is in the Lord of the rings Film adaptations feature a hero who lives in his paradisiacal and peaceful Shire, but is curious about the rest of the world.

Call to adventure

On the second stage, the heroes want or have to leave their perfect world due to a previously unplanned event and break out of their comfort zone. This can be an obvious challenge that “calls” for a new adventure or a feeling of inner restlessness or dissatisfaction. Frodo is overcome by the desire to leave the Shire and new adventures on undiscovered paths to dispute.


Once it has come to this point, the main character refuses the call to adventure because the heroes now feel insecure and afraid when leaving their familiar surroundings. The hero – in our example Frodo – realizes that the new challenges will change his whole life. So, when faced with a fork in the road, he becomes aware that he can determine his own destiny through free choice. The motto is: Show courage!

Meeting the mentors

The main character is represented by a Mentor encouraged to have the courage to embark on an adventurous journey. In Frodo’s case, Gandalf the Wizard shows him a new path by urging him to leave his home.

Crossing the first threshold

In the fifth step, a threshold is crossed after which there is no turning back. Frodo has overcome his inner conflicts and his Overcoming fear and encounters first problems in the form of hunger, hostile orcs, a shady Gollum, etc. His Security is at stake.

Test of endurance

When encountering the first enemies, the heroes are helping hands supported in the first part of the Lord of the rings In the film adaptation Frodo will be given a helping hand as a “companion”. In numerous myths and fairy tales, Element the Reason, the in Lord of the rings initially represented by the figure of Legolas.

Penetrating to the most sensitive core

The most sensitive core of Frodo’s heroic journey is the temptationto resist the power of the ring, for which he was chosen as guardian until the end of his journey. In Harry Potter, Star Wars and Co., the protagonists are also Chosenthe one strong will have to develop.

Crucial test

The grand finale of a Hero’s Journey is the final battle in which the enemy is defeated. Frodo destroys the Ring of Power and develops a new powerby Strength of will However, he only gets it thanks to the help of his friend Sam, who saves him from the evil Gollum. Thus, the hero has survived the “trial by fire”.


The reward is a unique treasurewhich is available to the hero or heroine at the end in the form of a tangible object or something abstract. While the ring in Lord of the rings When Gollum casts a spell on him and sees him as “his treasure”, Frodo breaks free from the dark power of the ring and gains Strength of will in addition.

Return and resurrection

After the reward, the heroes begin their journey back, which makes the cyclical narrative structure of the Hero’s Journey clear. On this path, it often happens that the companions and helpers accompany the hero or heroine consider deadHowever, Frodo returns to his perfect world and surprises his initial companions.

Change of self

Behind the change of the self lies a Individuation processthat the heroes go through on their journey. Thus, their own personalities have changed.

Return to the perfect world

Finally, the heroes are Recognition and praise rewarded. They are fulfilled by the basic human needs such as growth, significance, love, etc., of which they could initially only rely on security.

Who plays what role in marketing on the hero’s journey?

The hero’s journey can have an important function and meaning for your marketing by creating a Character construct In this you can assign a role to all participants and define their characteristics and tasks. This construct includes three role typesthat you can embed in your own story, which we will show you Example from Xpert Digital show:

  1. Hero: Queen: Customers (overcome their own shadow to stand out from the crowd of competitors by stepping into the light – higher visibility on the web.)
  2. Villain: collect: The shadow and the deepest cave (your own website, buried under a mountain of competitors and information in the search engines of the worldwide Internet.
  3. Helping: The Xpert Digital team that dares to look closely to see the light at the end of the tunnel that will help you gain greater visibility on the web.

Benefits of a hero’s journey in marketing

The use of a hero’s journey in marketing creates a emotional connection between the product or brand and the customer. By embedding the story of a product or brand in a heroic story, customers feel like they are part of something bigger. This makes them realize that they play a bigger role in your story.

Hero rides also inspire customers to create their own Achieve goals faster and overcome challengesThis retrospectively influences the brand positioning of your company, as it allows your own brand to stand out better from the competition. If you…

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