It is almost impossible to live without it: the whole world is talking about social media and the various platforms. Almost everyone is in the middle of it – either on Facebook, Twitter, forums or blogs. Precisely because many people are on the networks and actively participate in the conversations, some companies offer Social Media Guidelines These are intended to help employees to optimal handling with the forms of communication and a orientation in the social web. Many companies encourage their employees to be active in the social web and at the same time provide some guidelines so that clarity is created and mistakes or misunderstandings can be prevented. Many employees do not know how to move around the Internet as private individuals. Some comment wildly and do not even realize that they are publishing company secrets. Others move around the web anonymously and try to make the company shine in a positive light – but this can also go in the wrong direction. In this article we will show you why social media guidelines are also important for your company and how you can create them!
Why social media guidelines?
First of all, the purpose of social media guidelines should be explained. Why is it important to set some guidelines for employees? Here are some fundamental reasons:
- Social media guidelines provide a Orientation for employeeswho are not experienced in dealing with different Web 2.0 platforms.
- Various guidelines give your employees a Securitybecause then they know what to look out for.
- Social media guidelines are part of the internal and external communication.
- They also belong to the Corporate culture.
- It is not just the marketing or PR department that communicates as the voice of your company, all other employees do so too. They should therefore also be prepared for opportunities and risks.
How should social media guidelines be designed?
When introducing social media guidelines, it is important to to communicate activelyGive your employees space for Questions or feedback. Perhaps you have a contact person your employees can turn to. Furthermore, the guidelines should every employee so it is best to create a PDF file or print out the most concise bullet points and post them. Also make it clear that these guidelines are not rules, but Assistance and recommendations for action. You should not give the impression that you are forcing your employees to communicate on social networks. This is about the well-being of the employee and the company. Therefore, all policies should clearly and precisely formulated Any technical terms should be explained. Give your employees a clear list of rights and obligations when dealing with social networks. If you are pursuing a social media strategy with your company’s profiles, then share it with your employees. It is part of a good corporate cultureif all employees are informed about the processes and Objectives all departments are informed. It is helpful for your employees to know what opportunities and risks social media activities bring. Make it clear how you feel about using social networks during working hours. This way, no misunderstandings can arise.
Social Media Guidelines for Employees
Die need and the To use of social media guidelines is now clear. Below we give you some pointers and examples for your guidelines. The address should always be directed at your employees.
- In Web 2.0 you can be yourself. Don’t pretend and treat the conversations in the networks like a normal conversation. Your credibility is the most important thing.
- Make it clear where you work and that you are traveling as a private individual.
- Make sure that company secrets remain internal and do not appear on social networks. Information that you have learned about your employer or your customers in the context of the workplace should not be disseminated.
- Things can quickly get heated in conversation or discussion. Therefore, always stay respectful and politeIf you notice that a sensitive topic affects you emotionally, it is best to distance yourself from the discussion and do not allow yourself to be provoked.
- You can Employer on social networks with likes, comments or shares support.
- You are a private individual on the social web, so never respond on behalf of the company. If you do receive an inquiry for your company, then forward it to the responsible employee in the company.
- Just like in real life, every person Responsibility for his Actions. It is no different on social networks. Always keep this in mind. The same rules apply here to Privacy, data protection and copyright.
- Mistakes can happen to anyone, own up to them and correct them when necessary.
- Social media can be viewed as a conversation or a social exchange. Other users will take you seriously if you actively seek out conversation, participate in discussions, ask questions or answer them.
Every company has its own rules for dealing with social networks. own philosophy, which is incorporated into the corporate culture. In order to provide employees with good overview and Security In order to provide guidance on how to use various platforms, every company should create social media guidelines. Recommended action there is orientation for employees of a company and prevents possible missteps or misunderstandings.
Contact Xpert Digital as your social media marketing agency and get advice from our experts.
Nadine Ciecior
I grew up with the internet and, alongside my studies in media and communications management, have been working in online PR and social media for several years. New social networks, apps and digital trends inspire me even beyond my work.