How to fill your sales pipeline


Gaining lots of new contacts with just a few clicks and turning them into future customers? That sounds promising! With Lead Ads, Facebook has created a variant of advertising that allows users to collect contacts. Users of the platform only have to few steps to one of your new potential customers In this blog we have put together a guide for you on how you can easily place your own lead ads. Below we will introduce you to the topic step by step.

What exactly are lead ads?

The advertisements include a Formulatewhich can be sent after a few clicks. Facebook has even provided the option of filling out the form fields in advance with the information already known to Facebook. This means that if the user has already stored his name and email address in his profile, he only needs to click on send. This means that the user does not have to fewer entries and the probability that the user will abandon the form due to time constraints is reduced enormously.
For this reason: Keep It Short and Simple. No user has the nerve to fill out several fields when he is actually just quietly scrolling through his private feed

Why do I need leads

Lead ads are created by advertisers in Facebook Ads to specifically generate new leads or contacts. A lead can consist of the user’s name and email address so that they can be targeted later or added to a company’s email marketing list.

Lead Ads for mobile devices

The form also opens normally on the smartphone, in a mobile-optimized format. This means that the user can easily submit their data while on the move.

What can lead ads be used for?

Lead ads can be used in social media to collect data. To ensure that users receive added value in return, the following content can be offered as examples:

To gain deeper insight into the product life cycle, questions can be asked about the product and answered by the user or customer. These answers can then be used for market research and optimization.

Benefits of Lead Ads

The entire process takes place within Facebook without the user having to switch to an external website. minimum loading time of the Form and the partially pre-filled form fields can massively reduce the bounce rate. Everyone knows it: You quickly don’t feel like investing the time to fill out all the mandatory fields just to download a checklist.
You don’t necessarily need a separate landing page for the product you are offering. You can insert a card within the form environment with additional information about the download process or the reward or the company.
So that Quality the Leads increased you can address a specific audience that is tailored to the interests of your customers. Through the lead ad format, Facebook automatically targets the users who are most likely to fill out the form.


In order to generate the data in a legally compliant manner, a Double Opt-In This means that the user must confirm his data again in another automatic email.
Important: Legally speaking, the Facebook lead form only offers a simple opt-in, the data submitted is not confirmed. Using this data for your marketing or advertising is not legally permitted.
So use other CRM tools to automatically send an email to the user containing a confirmation link.

Create Lead Ads

1. Select campaign goal

To create a Facebook campaign, the Ads Manager used. The campaign objective in this case is “Lead winning” is selected.

2. Select fan page and accept terms of use

After the correct Fanpage has been selected and the Lead Ads terms of use have been accepted, the target group settings can continue.

3. Determine target group

The target groups can be defined very precisely via Facebook. In contrast to Google, these can be demographic information, Interests or already collected Data of the Facebook Pixels Google works with the assumption that users already know the product they are looking for. However, Facebook offers no pull marketing but counts as Push Marketing channel. The platform is therefore suitable for offering new content or added value for downloading within this framework for interested parties. The interested parties are addressed using the previously created target group, which is based on the interests or demographic information of the potential target group.

4. Set budget

The budget can be Tages– or a Runtime budget controlled, just like other campaign objectives.
In addition, a Maximum value for a lead. Facebook provides a guideline here. If this value is not reached when manually entering the value, the ad may not be displayed. To avoid this uncertainty, you can choose automatic budget allocation. This gives Facebook itself control over how much can be spent on the results.

5. Link Instagram account

In addition to the Facebook page, the Instagram Account can also be linked so that users have direct access to an account when they click on the profile of the sponsored ad.
The campaigns can not only be placed on Facebook, but can also be displayed on Instagram like other advertisements. The settings are made in the placements at the ad group level.

Creation of the creative

6. Create creative

For the lead ad, a Bild or Video or also a Carousel Ad can be used as a creative. This should make users aware of the added value that comes from filling out the lead form. The ad must be able to be adapted for mobile devices. Different formats may need to be uploaded for the different placements.

7. Insert ad text and select call-to-action button

As with other ad formats, there is the option of setting a primary textthat appears above the image, a title and one Call-to-Action Button In the title you should describe in more detail what the user should do or what the user can expect when he clicks on the call-to-action button. In our example, the button says “to register”.

After the texts and images or videos have been inserted, the lead form can be created.

Create lead form

8. Create form

Depending on whether you want to use an existing form or not, you can use a saved form from the list. If you need to change something in an existing form, you need to duplicate it so that changes can be made. Otherwise, you need to create a new form.

First, name the form so that it can be correctly assigned later.

The correct language should then be set. In our case it is German.

You can test between the two form types to see which variant is better suited to your individual product or goal. Depending on the target group, the results of the first form type may be inferior, so an additional test step can be used to more accurately determine whether the users are genuinely interested in the product.

If the form is to be shared organically, i.e. independently of the ad, in groups, for example, the form must be set to “open” This also offers the advantage that no traffic is excluded from the outset or results are limited.

The short overview is optional and offers the advertiser the opportunity to add further information and a greeting to the form. The Formulate should however not unnecessarily long so that after the second page, users have little desire or time to read through the information. Lead ads are particularly advantageous because they can be filled out quickly and thus should only serve their purpose to a certain extent.

The version without an overview leads the user to the goal more quickly. The advertiser should always be aware that the Users in your Leisure time and in their private environment are active on Facebook. This time should not be wasted on unnecessary steps.

To ensure that users of the selected target group have to do as little as possible, Facebook offers the option of filling out the form fields with information they already know. An example of this could be the name or email address that Facebook already has when you create the profile.

The form can consist of a variety of input fields. It primarily depends on what data you want to find out from the user. Is the benefit primarily for the company as an advertiser or for the potential customer? That means, is a free download of an e-book, for example, being provided or should the user answer questions in a kind of quiz about a product?
Depending on how the form is used, you can customize it. In terms of text, both the questions and the informative texts are limited in length. For more information, the additional page mentioned above can be added – but the motto should still be “Keep It Short and Simple“ should be in the foreground. If a particular level of trust in the user is essential, the information page is of course useful.

Additionally, a link to the advertiser’s data policy must be included.

Finally, users should be given a brief notice that they will receive another email and must confirm their data. The reason for this is explained under the point GDPR to read.

Behind the Button For further information, please contact Link to website of the product. Among other things, this can also lead to the download or the company website – again, it depends on what the lead form is used for.

Once all information has been provided, everything can be checked again for accuracy before the form is finally completed.

9. Activate tracking

After that, you can continue editing the campaign. All that is missing is the settings for Tracking. If a Facebook Pixel on the company’s page relevant to the form, it should be added here.

Where can the data be found

The advertiser can find the lead ad data via the Fanpage. In the contribution options, in the left column the category Form Library Here you can find the data as a CSV file…

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