In 6 easy steps › ADVIDERA



With 32 million users Facebook is still the most active network in Germany. 77% of members subscribe to company pages of small and medium-sized businessesThis makes it clear: Users actively search for pages that Information about companies Creating your own company page or fan page for your brand is simply and doesn’t take much time. The only requirement for creating one is your own Facebook profile as the page operator. Your company page will be up and running in no time and you can start with your own social media strategy and Facebook ads. However, there are a few points to consider to avoid mistakes. With the following tips, you can successfully create a Facebook fan page for your company – in six easy steps!

What opportunities does having your own Facebook page offer?

But first: Why should you be active on Facebook with your company and create your own Facebook fan page? In addition to the many usersthat you can reach, there are other opportunities that you should definitely know about. A company website offers fans of the company an opportunity to Information about products or services This not only increases the Reach for the companybut also the Brand Awareness and Customer loyalty. Company pages on Facebook represent your brand, so that Facebook users can get a first impression of your Facebook company page if they are interested. interactionthat can arise between the company and the users, important points for your own market research can also be filtered out. For this purpose, a Target group analysis necessary. Based on the target group, you should suitable social media strategy The right approach to your fans and setting goals is an important part of the strategy. It must be clear what purpose the company page should fulfill. Do you want to Increase sales increase or do you place more emphasis on the Brand loyalty? Set priorities so that you can see later whether your strategy was successful. Continuous Monitoring the quantitative numbers and activities of the Facebook fan page are an important part of a social media strategy.

In addition to the low barriers to entry, a Facebook fan page can be created with just a few clicks and offers plenty of production space without major initial investments. A Facebook account is for free and the creation of a Facebook fan page is also offered free of charge. Through Facebook Ads it is possible to create a greater range and thus your own to reach target groupbut this is not a must. Especially at the beginning, a Facebook fan page must be filled with content so that users receive added value. The content can be completely multimedia via photos, videos, links or text posts. This is a creative way to create a brand image that matches the corporate identity of your company. A Facebook fan page can generate additional traffic to the page via links to your own website, allowing you to increase your reach. Feel free to use call-to-action posts that encourage your fans to comment, like or share your posts.

With these helpful tips, your Facebook pages can be created quickly:

  1. First step: Simply click on and choose from the suggested Categories choose the right one for your company.
  2. Names for company pages: You must enter your name formulate clearly and create a connection to your company. Customers and prospects should be able to find your company easily.
  3. Profile photo/ cover photo: Choose matching photosbefore you create the profile picture and cover photo. Make sure of high quality Photos. Both should definitely correspond to your corporate identity so that a uniform image of your company is created. We recommend that you choose your brand’s logo for the profile picture. This way it will be remembered as an additional recognition factor and will serve as advertising.
  4. Page information: Fill your Facebook fan page with information about the opening hours or the Address to your company. Your website or your own blog should be linked here.
  5. Imprint: A imprint is also mandatory on Facebook. You can also enter this data in the field of the same name under the page information.
  6. Contents: To begin with, you should quickly fill the page with own contributions and content. This can also happen before the Facebook fan page goes online. Make sure that the posts are not too long and do not contain any spelling mistakes.

With these tricks, you can add some relevant content to your own Facebook fan page. However, a page cannot be successful with this alone. Regular posts and interactions with your fans are just two small areas that are crucial to the success of the page.

If you want to present your company not only on a Facebook page but also on an Instagram profile, it is a good idea to link the Instagram business profile to the Facebook page. To do this, select “Settings” on the left and then navigate to Instagram. There, select to link the account. Make sure that the account is not already linked to another company.

If your accounts are connected, you can advertise your business across platforms. For example, you can publish a story that you post on Instagram simultaneously and automatically on Facebook.

In addition, you can create a Facebook Ads advertising account to reach your target group precisely. More about The Facebook Ads Campaign You can read more about it in our separate article.

What else needs to be considered

Communicate that you and your company are now active on Facebook and Instagram! Install a linked Facebook-Icon on your website or address your Fan page in your newsletterThe more people notice that you are also appearing on social networks, the more often your fan page will be liked. Your network, acquaintances or friends can also get wind of the new Facebook fan page and share it in their own news feed. This can especially benefit your reach. Publish regular poststhat fill your fan page. Use the Facebook Insightswhich you can also find in the settings on your company page, to see which posts are well received by your readers. This way you can adjust your further strategy based on the results. A Editorial plan can give you a good overview of what posts you have planned for your fan page. Use Facebook Ads for social media advertising. The number of likes on your fan page does not say everything about the success of your campaign. The general interest in your brand should be valued much higher. Don’t buy likes either – this method only costs you unnecessary money and does not help you with your strategy. It is therefore absolutely important to follow a suitable social media strategy. The Objective Always keeping an eye on your company and creating creative content are two integral parts of social media marketing. Your successful fan page can also be found via Google search results and bring users one step closer to your company.

Creating a Facebook fan page is easy with a few clicks and little time. However, it takes time for a fan page to achieve the expected success. It takes some time to lay the foundation with various posts. It also takes a while for fans to get to the page and interact with the company. With the tips we have described, you can avoid some mistakes and successfully build your own fan page. high-quality content and creative contributions you can quickly gain likes with your fan page. For example, you can also refer to your own blog or other social networks. If your fan page is already active and is already recording the first interactions, you as the site operator can use tools and monitoring to find out how your strategy is received by fans.

If you have any further questions about Facebook pages or Facebook Ads, please contact us. As a Facebook Ads agency, we will be happy to advise you.

If you’re already familiar with Facebook Ads, check out these tips for working with Ads Manager.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a Facebook page cost for businesses?

Creating and permanently using a Facebook page for your business is free.

How often should posts be published on the Facebook page?

You should be present on Facebook at least three times a week and add value to your community. But in addition to posting, interaction plays an extremely important role. You should interact with users every day, that means participating in discussions, responding and liking.

Number of followers on the Facebook page is not increasing?

The key here is that you offer added value. Create posts with relevant information, but you should also include humorous and creative postings. Users want to be entertained, not bored. Test out what works best for your users and don’t lose patience too quickly.

Nadine Ciecior

I grew up with the internet and, alongside my studies in media and communications management, have been working in online PR and social media for several years. New social networks, apps and digital trends inspire me even beyond my work.

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