Optimizing Facebook Ads


Every advertiser in social media marketing knows it: You run Facebook ads, but it doesn’t really work or after a certain time you get hardly any clicks and leadsThen it is time for you to Optimize Facebook ads. Because every target group can be best addressed in different ways. Be creative, varied and stand out from the crowd with Facebook advertising and gain new customers!

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to find out which of your Facebook ads need to be optimized and what options are available to you for optimization.

Which ads need to be optimized?

To find out which Facebook Ad you need to optimize, look for the Performance of your adsYou can do this easily via the Ads Manager from Facebook or through third parties. You must Control KPIs and see which ads are performing poorly and not meeting your goals. You can either create a report there directly or look at the values ​​individually in the table.

On the one hand, the ROSE of importance. The ROAS is the return on ad spend and should be as high as possible so that the advertising costs only make up a fraction of the profit. So, for example, if you have a ROAS that is lower than 25, then you should optimize this ad. You can enter these metrics directly as a filter in the Business Manager and you will see at a glance all campaigns or ads that have a ROAS that is too low. You can do this with any metric. There is also the metric CPCi.e. the cost per click. This shows you how expensive it is to click on an ad and these costs should logically be as low as possible.

Other metrics you should look at are the CTRdie Click-Through-Rate, die Range and the frequency. The frequency indicates how often an ad is shown to a user. If this happens too often, the ad is no longer perceived properly. You should therefore keep an eye on the frequency indicator as the wear and tear on your ad. If the frequency is too high, change the text or image so that users do not become bored or annoyed by the ad.

And of course in general, how many Clicks and Landing page views you have generated so far. After the analysis, you now know which ads are below your expectations and you can start improving them.

Optimization options

To your Improve Facebook Adsyou have several options available. Among other things, you can use the A/B-Tests Test ads against each other. You can also different ad formats that Facebook offers you. In addition, your Campaign goals and your target group be correctly defined.


A/B testing, also known as split testing, plays two or more almost identical ads simultaneously and compare them against each other. Various variables are always changed, such as the Description or the image. This way you can see which ad is performing the best. So you need to create variations and you can find out which one is performing best. This will help you to target your audience more successfully.

Test different ad formats

Facebook offers a wide variety of different advertising formats. You should try them all out and see which ones work well for you and which ones don’t. Because different users usually prefer different Ad formatseven if this happens only unconsciously. This means that you can use multiple formats exploit the full potential of your target group.

On the one hand, you have the well-known Image Format This is used by most advertisers and definitely serves its purpose with a creative and uniquely designed image. On the other hand, you can Short videos create a little more movement in the ad. The video format is becoming more and more popular these days and should therefore be used. In order to display several products or images or videos at the same time, Facebook has the so-called Carousel format. With a carousel ad, the user can scroll to the side and see multiple pieces of content, as shown in the image. The last option for displaying your advertising content is a so-called collection. Several products can also be displayed there. In the upper area there is usually a video or a slideshow and below that users are shown four products. In the following graphic you can see the format options as they are displayed for selection in the Business Manager.

Set campaign goals correctly

In order for your ad to work properly and meet your needs, it is very important that you start by choose the right campaign goalDepending on the goal you choose, Facebook displays the ads differently and it has different effects. Try out the goals and make sure you are pursuing the right goal for your advertising strategy.

Precise target group analysis

If your ads are not working well, it may also be due to your Facebook Targeting With Facebook Targeting, you select the customer group you want to reach. You can address a completely new target group, these are the so-called Core AudiencesThere you can filter by interests and all publicly available information of the users. In addition to the core audiences, there are the most relevant Custom Audiences. Custom Audiences include a group of people who have already shown interest in your product or company. Here you can target customers, visitors to your website or people who have interacted with your site. And last but not least, there are the Lookalike AudiencesThis allows you to reach people who have similar interests to your custom audiences.

With this knowledge, you can address your target group as precisely as possible and adapt the ad to their needs. So set up several ads for different groups and see which format and approach works best.


Switching from Advertising on Facebook needed constant attention and refinements. If your ads are not performing as you expected, there could be many reasons: an unsuitable campaign goal, incorrect targeting, a message that is too complex or inconspicuous images and text. Look at your KPIs in the Ads Manager and find out why a campaign or ad is not performing well. Make optimizations and get your leads and clicks up again!

We as Facebook Ads Agentur We are happy to help you place and create advertisements on social media and are available to answer any questions you may have.

Frequently asked questions

What is the ideal frequency for Facebook Ads?

Make sure that the frequency of your Facebook ads is between three and a maximum of nine. Otherwise, they will be shown to Facebook users too often and your target group will become annoyed or no longer notice your advertising properly.

What should you consider when creating images for Facebook Ads?

In general, there are no exact guidelines here. However, make sure the image resolution and size are correct. Also, less is usually more, which means don’t use too many elements, otherwise the user will quickly lose track and no longer know exactly what it is about. Feel free to include faces in your image, this works very well with Facebook Ads.

How long should a Facebook ad run before it is optimized?

You can get an initial indication of whether a Facebook ad is working or not when it has reached at least 1,000 people. But before you take any optimization measures, you should wait until you have 8,000 impressions. Or until it has been running for at least four to five days. This rule applies to Facebook, Instagram, and Google.

Sina Klingenberg

Social media editor at Xpert Digital GmbH & Co. KG. I first became familiar with social media marketing through practical online marketing projects during my studies. It was the creation of creative and informative posts that sparked my passion. At Xpert Digital, I now have the opportunity to live out this passion, work in a great team and help our customers achieve their goals.

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