Use the Facebook Split Test to create the perfect advertising strategy



To check whether your advertising strategy for Facebook or Instagram will perform well or whether you have taken the right measures in advance, a Split Test optimal. This tests or compares a Facebook Ads ad or even an entire advertising campaign. Which concrete advantages In this blog post you will find out what this means for advertisers, what you can use the tool for and how it works.

What is a split test?

With split tests, Facebook offers you the opportunity to find out which strategy works best when designing ads or ad groups and when creating target groups. The so-called split tests are particularly useful when ads with different strategies should be compared or you have a Changing your advertising strategy want to measure. Thanks to testing, you no longer have to activate and deactivate campaigns manually in these cases. In a test, an ad or an advertising campaign is duplicated and a variable is changed. This can be, for example, the goal (conversion, reach, etc.) of a Facebook campaign, the length of the ad texts used or the presentation of a CTA in the image design. By playing both variants, you can find out which is the more successful. In total, up to five variants create. Facebook handles the distribution of the budget in such a way that each variant is shown equally and randomly. The performance can then be tracked based on the cost per result, for example.

What a split test brings

By using the better variant in advertising, the Conversationrate and the Return on Ad Spend Furthermore, the optimized design allows Reduce wastageIn contrast to manual testing of advertising campaigns, professional Facebook split tests are much more user-friendly. They are much more accurate and require less effort. Another advantage over conventional A/B tests is the ability to test multiple versions of a variable. For example, up to five display variants can be played against each other.

Tipp: It is usually sensible to do the official Facebook split test instead of a manual implementation, as Facebook ensures that the data, for example of a group comparison, is in no way distorted by overlaps of target customers or similar.

What can the split test be used for?

The split test checks different variables of the Facebook ads to see which variant is more successful. During testing, however, only one size is compared so that the results are not distorted. The variables include…

  • Target group (demographic information, etc.)
  • Advertisement design (text length, image design, etc.)
  • Delivery optimization (What is the target? Conversion, reach, …)
  • Placement (platform, device, etc.)
  • Product catalog (Which product is more popular?)

target group

With the split test, you can select saved target groups, but also test newly created target persons. The maximum you can five groups compare.

Advertisement design

Advertisers can create a total of five different creatives (variants A to E). Facebook then delivers these ads evenly to randomly selected and non-overlapping groups of people within your specified target group.

Tipp: Ideally, the advertisements should be clearly distinguishable from each other differentiateso you can identify exactly which image element was crucial to success.

Delivery optimization

With delivery optimization, you can select the variants available for the respective campaign goal that help optimize the ad placement. These include: Conversions, link clicks or landing page viewsYou can also check a bidding strategy, for example how the ads perform with and without a maximum bid. The amount of the bid can also be varied.


With regard to the display of ads, for example, manual placement can be offset against the Automated Placement from Facebook.

Campaign goals that can be tested: Reach, Conversions, Traffic, Leads, Engagement, Video Views, Catalog Sales, App Install, Messages, Brand Awareness

Annotation: To test a campaign with the goal ‘Conversion’, the installation of a Facebook pixel is required.

How To

The split test can be easily carried out in the Facebook Ads Manager. To do this, you first have to create a new campaign.

In Ads Manager, create a new campaign and select your desired Goal You then agree to the A/B test.

The campaign is now for a Split Test set.
First create the campaign in the first variant and publish it.

After publishing, a window appears showing the variables can be set for the test.

Select the variable to be checked in the Dropdown menu.

A second version of the campaign will then appear, which can now be set up for testing. For the variable of Ad group In this case, another saved target group must be selected for version B.

Once set, it cannot be undone.

Furthermore, the budget and the test duration must be determined. For representative results, a test time of at least 72 hoursFacebook often suggests a budget that you can use as a guide. It is important to set the budget high enough so that enough comprehensible information can be created.

Once all settings have been made, the test is checked and can begin.

Important: We recommend that you do not change the split test settings after you have created them, or only do so if absolutely necessary. Otherwise, you will probably get less meaningful results. It is better to check all information and texts before activating them.

What happens after the split test?

After performing the test, the first step is to Interpreting the data. It often helps to formulate a hypothesis in advance and check its validity. This makes it easier to assign the analytics to the sample. After evaluating the results, you can concentrate on the more successful ad and place further advertisements using this strategy or test out even more variants in order to derive additional suitable measures for, for example, an ad group and achieve even better results.

Split tests are a good way to easily Advertising strategies for Facebook Ads to test and review ads and advertising campaigns that have already been placed. Do you have any questions about the topic or are you having trouble evaluating your results? Perhaps you would like to develop a new strategy but don’t know exactly where to start? As a Facebook Ads agency, we are here to help and advise you!

What is a split test?

A split test offers the opportunity to test different ad strategies for social media by delivering variants of an ad.

What are the advantages of a split test?

A split test can be used to determine the more successful strategy or ad design, which can then be built upon in the future.

How is a split test performed?

A split test is carried out in the Ads Manager. First, you have to determine what you want to spend. Then you specify the budget and the testing period.

Jana Jasper

Social media marketing allows me to use the media to reach the right target groups for our customers.

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