SEO strategy – this is how you succeed in successful development!

Marketing, SEO
SEO Strategy

Search engines regularly update their requirements for websites, which rank them at different levels. Many companies are now aware of the importance of SEO Strategy, but the expenditure which is behind it is often underestimated.

If you want to do good search engine optimization using organic traffic, you must first understand that this is not a nice feature that can be operated on the side. Instead, SEO requires close supervision and optimization so that you can constantly keep your website’s visibility at a high level. So it needs one ingenious plan and a strategy to meet the wants and needs of your customers. In this contribution, we will show you what to look out for with regard to SEO and how a successful SEO strategy is structured.

What is an SEO strategy?

An SEO strategy describes the method of designing, optimizing, and changing a website such as a blog using SEO in such a way that it achieves the desired Search engine standards as Google matches best. Which methods are successful and how, change at regular intervals, as search engines, update their definitions of what constitutes good SEO? However, it can be clearly seen that the trend toward the highest possible keyword density is decreasing. In the worst case, you can only achieve the so-called keyword stuffing which has significant negative consequences on the ranking of your website and, in the worst case, an Exclusion of Indexing leads. Instead, you should make it a point to consider long-tail keywords, since users primarily act with such search terms.

Defining different themes for a website forms the basis for a so-called Thematic cluster strategy This includes various, overarching topics that consist of a large number of individual keywords. On the second level are sub-topics, which in turn are represented by long-tail keywords. The corresponding structuring gives you clarity and an overview of your content, while your customers find what they are looking for on topics relevant to them.

What is an SEO strategy?

First of all: the one universal There is no such thing as an SEO strategy. The development always depends on the individual characteristics and goals of your company as well as on the behavioral patterns of your target group. Once you know which one needs should be taken into account by both sides, you can start planning and creating an SEO strategy. This basically consists of the following four pillars which may vary in content from company to company:

  • Define company goals
  • Analyze target group
  • Take technical and content SEO measures
  • Set priorities with regard to the individual measures

These elements build on each other and are not intended as a static strategy, but rather as one Bundle of individual measures, which are related to each other. The needs of the target groups have a high priority as all subsequent steps deal with how to meet them. Without knowing what your customers want, you cannot start with the first concrete SEO measures.

7 steps to a successful SEO strategy!

An SEO strategy is one long-term measure to increase your traffic, your conversions, and therefore your sales. Therefore, there is no quickly implementable plan that will help you to increase customer satisfaction overnight. Instead, SEO strategies turn out to be Marathon – not as a sprint. The following steps will help you build a successful search engine optimization plan piece by piece.

Step 1: Define your goals and KPIs

Before you really start developing an SEO strategy, you should first define business needs and goals. What should SEO do for the company? Does the business model fit SEO and vice versa? And finally: Does SEO even make sense for your business? As mentioned before, SEO requires a lot of preparation, effort, and time. Therefore, you should first deal intensively with whether all these factors are worthwhile and pay off in the long run will. In order to be able to measure your success, the definition is also different KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) necessary. These are measurable key figures that provide meaningful information about your SEO strategy.

Step 2: Competitor Analysis

To determine where your company ranks in the marketplace, you should take a look at the competitor before making your SEO Strategy. How big is the competition? Is there a “big fish” and many “small fish”? What development is the competition currently going through? These factors can be based on the size of other websites as well as the SEO traffic of the competition determined.

Step 3: Find out your own SEO status quo

In the next step, it’s time to analyze your own website and check for the existing content potential for improvement to check. You may even discover problems that negatively affect the user experience and can fix them at the same time. However, the SEO check is not just about technical aspects like the loading time of the website, but also about the type of content that you offer. You should also pay attention to internal links and references to external websites (backlinks).

Step 4: Research keywords

In terms of keyword research, it’s all about filtering out relevant aspects for your customers and from the most important keywords and subject areas to create. You should make sure that the overarching, relevant topics suit you as a company. It is of little use to you if the keyword in question has the highest search volume but is not associated with your website. Subtopics to be found that fit the main topics and logically link to them. Long-tail keywords are ideal for this, as they are usually more special and unique for SEO Strategy.

Step 5: Create a content strategy

Thanks to the pre-determined cluster of topics, it suits your Fixed schedule with a clear structure that you can use as a guide. The existing keywords tell you which topics you should include. This allows you planning security because you know months in advance when which texts will be finished and published.

Step 6: Evaluate results and take action

The long-term knowledge gained about your website and existing content should not only serve you as information – you should also derive measures from it. If the user experience proves to be lacking, you should restructure your website or aim for a relaunch if necessary before making an SEO Strategy. The setting of the Action priorities doesn’t fall short. What is absolutely necessary for your website – and what could you do without if necessary? Determine which aspects you should focus on to save valuable resources.

Step 7: Ongoing Monitoring and Optimization

Regarding SEO, it is immensely important to always be on the current status stay and adapt and optimize your strategy flexibly. What is a priority today may be completely unimportant to Google in a year’s time? So check back regularly to blogs or Google yourself about the current relevant standards and update your previous optimization. Don’t be afraid to continuously optimize your SEO strategy – it’s worth it!


SEO is not a sprint, but a marathon – this fact can be clearly confirmed by the many aspects, preparation, and intensive planning that such an SEO strategy requires. For long-term projects like this, your focus should be primarily on the needs of your customers lie. If they don’t find any helpful content on your website, they will quickly disappear again. Away from too many keywords towards structured ones subject areas with added value for the user – that should be your motto. If you have the necessary resources and accumulated knowledge to plan and implement a long-term SEO strategy, you should definitely take this step and face the challenge.

Need help planning your SEO strategy? As an SEO agency, we develop and optimize long-term measures and ensure that you achieve your goals and inspire customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an SEO strategy?

An SEO strategy means optimizing, adapting, and updating a website so that it meets the requirements of search engines such as Google and achieves a high ranking. This can be on- and off-page optimization.

Which SEO strategy is currently trending?

The major search engines are currently placing more value on certain topics than on keywords, as the former has a clear structure and offers the user added value. The topic clusters usually consist of keywords as main topics and long-tail keywords as subtopics.

What are the steps involved in creating an SEO strategy?

Basically, the following steps must be followed when developing an SEO strategy: definition of your own goals, analysis of the competition, determination of the status quo, keyword research, creation of a content strategy, evaluation of the results, and prioritization as well as the ongoing monitoring and adjustment of the Strategy.


Read More: The SEO Trends for 2023

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