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Category pages or product category pages are landing pages that list the products offered by an online shop sorted by different categories. They help interested users compare products and make a selection. Category pages are very important for the search engine ranking of online retail, as they are often the entrance to the online shop.

In this article you will find out why Structure of category pages is crucial to sales success and how to use search engine optimization (SEO) to create the perfect category page. Is your shop still in the planning stage? Here you will find 10 valuable tips for setting up your online shop!

Why category pages are important for online shops

Potential customers rarely search directly for a specific online shop. Instead, they enter a keyword, for example a product, into the search engine. Google and Co. create a list of websites around the keyword.

In order to get on the shortlist of interested parties, it is important that your website is displayed on the first page of the ranking and as high as possible. But how does this work?

A good ranking is the key word here. SEO (Search Engine Optimization), i.e. search engine optimization, makes your shop more visible in the online jungle. If you optimize your website, it will be easier to find and more interested people will find your products. This is how you increase traffic and sales in the long term.

The first impression is important: Users usually don’t google “Online Shop XY”, but rather a specific product that they would like to buy or that they are interested in. You will therefore not be taken to the homepage of an online shop, but rather directly to the corresponding category page. If this page is confusing, poorly structured or gives a dubious impression, you will probably quickly leave it without completing the purchase.

Category pages therefore often decide Success of an online shop. In addition, online shopping eliminates a large part of the advice that would otherwise take place in person. In the best case, the category page replaces the consultation and provides customers with enough general information about the product to make a qualitative decision. Satisfied customers drive your shop forward, so working on attractive category pages is worth it.

Die basic functions a category page are:

  • Find products
  • browse
  • generate organic traffic

Types of Category Pages

How do you build your website in a clear and structured way so that visitors can quickly find their way around and get to the products on offer that interest them? Two types of category pages help you:

  1. The parent category, also distribution page
  2. The specific product list

Using the Perfect Spa online shop as an example, you can see higher-level and lower-level categories:

The overarching category “Sauna” provides an overview and includes additional, specific pages that provide visitors with a… fast navigation to the products you are looking for.

Create the optimal category page

A logical structure is the be-all and end-all for a sales website and ensures quick and uncomplicated navigation. Do not put all products on one page, but rather organize them into categories and, if necessary, subcategories.

Use breadcrumbs

The so-called breadcrumb Navigation shows visitors to your website their current position and the higher-level pages, as here in the example of the medmasters online shop:

Die clear structure helps those interested to find their way around and, if necessary, go back a step to get to the desired products. This improves the user-friendliness of the website and invites you to linger.

Visual content

The attractive design of a website also includes images because they also encourage purchase. Make sure your Product and category images of high quality are. Poorly chosen photos often have a negative impact on the purchase decision, as buyers naturally expect quality from their product.

Text and headings

Each page includes a description of the respective category or products. The headline should Main Keyword and the introduction, which is displayed as a short section above the products/subcategories, gives a brief insight into the topic. The remaining text, the so-called long text, is created under the product selection.


Anyone who is interested in a particular product already searches for it very specifically and usually receives a lot of results and choices. If your page is not clearly structured, visitors will choose another one. Therefore, make sure that you not only arrange the products in a visually structured manner, but also all of them important information to provide.

Below the product photo should Name, Details, Quick View, Sale Options and if necessary, further information such as reviews can be found. Many online shops work with one in addition to the tried and tested shopping cart system Wish list or a watch list. These work similarly, as individual products can be easily saved and accessed at a later time. Strategies like these lead to one improved user experience.

Further measures can include “Related Searches”, i.e. suggestions for products that are often purchased together. Highlights such as “bestsellers” or “our recommendation” for certain products make it easier for those interested to choose from a wide range of offers and give you the feeling that you have made the right choice. In certain areas of online trading it can also make sense to Brand categories to make it possible to search for products from a specific brand with one click. This way you benefit from brand awareness and also improve your ranking in search engines when searching for specific brands.

Write good SEO texts for category pages

Category texts describe and explain the product category and individual types of products and thus help users make purchasing decisions. In order to be found by search engines, you need good content, i.e. the web texts must be adapted to the requirements of search engines.

With keywords to success

Well-known search engines such as Google are constantly being developed with the aim of suggesting the most suitable results possible to their users. Among other things, they work with us to do this Keywords. The search term (e.g. “shoes”) is linked to certain other words that fit the topic and are already used by well-ranking websites in connection with the search term (e.g. women’s shoes, men’s shoes, sports shoes, etc.). One Keywordanalyse shows you the relevant keywords for your search term (also: main keyword). These should appear in your category text to rank high.

A Keyword-Tool helps you find the right terms. Attention: The method known as keyword stuffing of simply inserting relevant words as a list is now recognized and penalized by Google. The search engine giant strives for helpful content for its users. So always write your texts for people, not just for search engines. In addition, you also want to use the text to convince visitors to your website to make a purchase, so a well-thought-out text is doubly worthwhile.

The structure

As already mentioned, the introduction (also: teaser) of your category text should be short and concise and should be placed directly at the beginning of the respective category page. This is how visitors receive one overview, but are not distracted from the products by too much text. If you have to scroll through pages of text, you may lose interest in purchasing. The long text is therefore placed under the product selection and serves as a replacement for purchasing advice. He explains the category, gives an overview of the selection and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of different products.

Tips for high-performance SEO category texts:

  • Include search engine relevant keywords in meaningful places
  • Provide users with helpful information
  • Answer category-relevant FAQs
  • Pay attention to language that is appropriate for the target group
  • Use subheadings
  • Use high-quality images that fit the topic
  • Set backlinks (internal links) to suitable product categories or products

Some keyword tools can also help you with this Choice of text lengthby displaying the word count of well-ranking texts for the main keyword. Tip: Do not artificially lengthen the text if all the important information is already included. It should provide information clearly and without lengthy ramblings, otherwise users may become bored and quickly leave your site. If the text becomes too long, you can work with so-called accordions (fold-out content).


Category pages are usually the first pages through which interested parties come to your shop. They represent your entire website and should therefore be attractive and structured. In order to even appear in the search engines, a good ranking is essential. For this purpose, the category page is adapted to the requirements of the search engines, i.e. SEO optimized. If you follow the tips mentioned in the text for building and optimizing category pages, the number of visitors (also: traffic) to your online shop and thus your sales should increase.

Would you like to have experts create sophisticated category pages for your online shop? Xpert Digital We will be happy to support you and assist you as a competent SEO agency from Cologne. Contact us for a free initial consultation!

frequently asked Questions

What are category pages?

Category pages provide an overview of the various products offered in a particular category. Interested users often reach the respective online shop directly via a category page. The overview helps you select products, encourages browsing and generates organic traffic for the website.

How much text does a category page need?

The length of the text depends on the products and scope of the offer. Equip your text with the necessary information for potential buyers and use the appropriate keywords. Do not extend the text unnecessarily, otherwise you could lose the visitors’ attention. Many keyword tools give the average text length for the respective keyword and thus help you orientate yourself in terms of scope.

How do I find the main keyword for a category page?


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